Pro Bono Representation / Volunteer Services
Arthur Levy represented the following non-profit organizations on a pro bono basis:
National Consumer Law Center: Amicus Curiae Briefs to the California Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
National Association of Consumer Advocates: Amicus Curiae Brief to the California Supreme Court
Consumers Union: Amicus Curiae Briefs to the California Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
California Reinvestment Coalition: Amicus Curiae Brief to the California Supreme Court
Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety: Amicus Curiae Brief to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
California Preservation Foundation: Amicus letter to the California Supreme Court
Oakland Heritage Alliance: Representation in historic resource protection litigation
Friends of 1800: Representation in administrative proceedings to protect historic resources
Sanghapala Foundation: General Counsel services to lay support organization for Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery
"No other offense has ever been visited with such severe penalties as seeking to help the oppressed."
— Clarence Darrow